The Berkeley Hunt is renowned for its exciting and varied country with a mixture of natural fences including hedges, ditches and timber, and there is a wide selection of hunt jumps. If you have not hunted with us before, we offer taster days which are an excellent opportunity to come and learn more about us and experience some gorgeous scenery. If you would like to hunt with us our subscription rates are as follows but do contact the Hunt Secretary Holly Hopkins using the below form should you have any queries. Please note that The Berkeley Hunt now requires, for insurance reasons, all subscribers to be members of the Countryside Alliance and therefore receive the benefit of insurance whilst hunting. We cannot accept a subscription without a valid Countryside Alliance membership number.
- Subscribers are those who hunt with the Berkeley Hunt (but who are not Hunting Farmers, para. 2) over the age of 23.
- Hunting Farmers (which expression includes wives) are those whose sole occupation is farming with land over which the Berkeley Hounds run, and their immediate families up to the age of 23 or leaving full time education, unless they remain in the employment of the family farm over that age. They are not required to pay subscriptions, field money nor caps. If they wish to bring guests they should contact the Hunt Secretary at least 24 Hours in advance to discuss any cap which is payable, otherwise normal capping rules apply. If their guests are Hunting Farmers para. 7e applies.
- Subscribers and Hunting Farmers must be members of the Countryside Alliance.
- It is hoped that all details about subscriptions, caps and details of charges are contained within this section of the site. If there are any queries they must be addressed to the Honorary Secretary, Holly Hopkins and not to the Joint Masters nor any other Hunt official.
4a. All subscriptions include all Autumn and Hill hunting if paid by 15th May. Subscribers will be asked to pay as follows:
Hunt Days | Paid by 15th August | Paid by 15th May |
A. Saturdays only | £1600 | £1600 |
B. Wednesdays only | £1450 | £1450 |
C. Wednesdays only North | £800 | £800 |
D. Wednesdays only South | £800 | £800 |
E. Five Days – Wednesdays and/or Saturdays (incl. all autumn & hill hunting) | £750 | £750 |
F. Point to Point Qualifiers | (See para. 4e) |
Subscription E includes a maximum of one Marsh Day. Only one subscription E may be taken out in a season. If further hunting is required three more days may be taken under normal capping rules (para. 7) otherwise a full A, B, C, D subscription must be paid without discount.
4b. FIELD MONEY is payable in addition to subscriptions A, B, C, D and E.
4c. PAYMENT BY BANKER’S ORDER. Those who wish to pay their subscriptions by Banker’s Order will pay over a period of 10 months starting on 15th May at the full rate:
Subscription | Monthly Instalment |
A | £160 |
B | £145 |
C | £80 |
D | £80 |
E | £750 |
4d. PAYMENT DATES. Subscriptions are due to be received in full by the Hunt Secretary by 15th August before Autumn hunting starts or by the 15th May for those who wish to pay at the discounted rate. Those whose subscriptions have not been received by the due date will have to pay a non-refundable daily cap for each day until it has been received. After the opening meet such payments will count as part of the three days maximum cap allowed per season.
4e. SUBSCRIPTION F. Point to Point owners and syndicates must pay at a rate agreed with the Hunt Secretary. As a guide £310 is payable for the first horse and £200 subsequently. This subscription allows a maximum of four days hunting per horse subscribed for.
4f. Half or fractional subscriptions are not available.
4g. Serving members of the Armed Forces are subject to special rates and should apply to the Hunt Secretary.
4h. For any further queries please contact the Honorary Secretary.
4i. NEW SUBSCRIBERS. Any subscriber who enlists someone who takes out an A or B subscription will be entitled to a refund of £100.
5a. Young people who will be over the age of 21 and under the age of 23 on 1st November will pay a subscription of 50% of the 15th August rates either by Banker’s Order over 10 months from 15th May, or in full by 15th There are no further discounts. Field money is payable in addition. Bona fide students between the ages of 21 and 23 should pay to the Hunt Secretary for a special rate.
5b. From the opening meet young people under the age of 21 on 1st November will be called to pay a cap for each day they hunt as follows:
18 – 21 Years = £40, 12 – 17 Years = £25, Under 12 Years = £15
5c. Young children under 10 may be accompanied by an adult and may hunt for 2 hours from the time of the meet at a special cap of £25 for both.
5d. During Autumn hunting the cap will be:
12 – 21 Years = £15, Under 12 = £10
6. From 1st October Dismounted/Car Followers will be asked to pay an individual daily rate of £3, or a season’s rate of £50 which will entitle them to a Hunt car sticker.
CAPS (Over 21 Years)
7a. MAIN HUNTING SEASON. The rate to be agreed with the Hunt Secretary. Such caps can only be granted to an individual up to 3 times a season, and after that a full subscription must be paid. As a guide for most of the main hunting season the cap for those over 21 is:
Saturdays = £140, Wednesdays = £90, Autumn Hunting to 1st October and Hill Hunting = £30
7b. A subscribers who wishes to hunt on a day not subscribed for should apply to the secretary before the day’s hunting.
7c. All caps are inclusive of field money.
7d. AUTUMN HUNTING. From the first Autumn hunting meet in August until the Opening Meet all those hunting, except those under 21, will pay a non-refundable cap of £30 until their subscription has been received by the Hunt Secretary. For those aged 12 – 21 the Cap will be £15. For those under 12 it will be £10.
8a. Field Money is payable from the start of Autumn hunting. Until the Opening Meet the rate is £10. After Opening Meet the rate is £25. This payment will cease when the compounded rate is received by the Hunt Secretary. Caps include field money (see para. 7c)
8b. Ladies and Gentlemen may compound their Field Money at the following rates:
A | £475 |
B | £460 |
C | £230 |
D | £230 |
E | £175 |
Young people aged between 21 and 23 pay 50% of these rate.
9. Those who are in receipt of the Berkeley Hunt button are to pay Button Money of £30 per year whether they subscribe or not. The payment of Button Money entitles holders to wear Hunt uniform both in the hunting field and on social occasions.
10. The Hunt Committee are very grateful not only for support to Hunt Funds but also for donations in kind to the kennels.
However, on the basis of having made a donation it is not reasonable at a later date to ask the Secretaries to accept this as a payment to allow a family member, friend or a groom to hunt without further payment. Anyone hunting, other than a farmer, must pay either a subscription or a cap.